6 Ways to Support Your Local Bookshop | My Soho Times

Supporting your local bookshop is not just about buying books; it’s about fostering a sense of community and ensuring that these invaluable establishments continue to thrive. With Bookshop Day (14th October) on the horizon, a celebration of the book ecosystem, recognising authors, publishers, and booksellers, we reflect on ways to keep the power of stories alive.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Whether you prefer gripping thrillers that keep you on the edge of your seat, heartfelt stories that tug at your heartstrings, or informative non-fiction books that expand your knowledge, Bookshop Day is the perfect opportunity to indulge in your literary cravings. Here are six ways you can show your love and support for your neighbourhood bookshop:

1. Spread the word: Share your positive experiences with friends, family, and colleagues. Word of mouth is incredibly powerful, and by recommending your favourite local bookshop, you can help attract new customers and increase their visibility.

2. Shop local: Whenever possible, prioritise buying books from your local bookshop rather than online retail giants. While online shopping might be convenient, supporting your local bookshop directly helps sustain their business and allows them to continue offering a diverse selection of books and personalised recommendations. Bookshops local to Soho include Foyles Charing Cross Rd, Waterstones Piccadilly, and Soho Original Adult Store (12 Brewer St).

3. Engage on social media: Follow your local bookshop on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Like, comment, and share their posts to help increase their online presence and reach a wider audience. You can also participate in their online book clubs and discussions.

4. Attend book events: Keep an eye out for book signings, author talks, and other literary events taking place at your local bookshop. These events are an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow book lovers and support both established and up-and-coming authors.

5. Join their loyalty program: Many local bookshops have loyalty programs or membership options. These programs often come with benefits such as discounts, exclusive events, and early access to book releases. By becoming a member, you not only enjoy these perks but also contribute to the financial stability of the bookshop.

6. Volunteer or donate: If you have the time and skills, consider volunteering at your local bookshop. You can help with organising events, bookshelves, or even offering your expertise in areas like social media management or graphic design. Additionally, donating books that are in good condition or making a financial contribution can also make a significant impact on their sustainability.

Bookshop Day London Events

For Bookshop Day (Saturday 14 October), the Booksellers Association (BA) has planned a lineup of events for the annual celebration of bookshops big and small across the country. From fun events including draw-along sessions to special audiobook offers, to author events with Linton Kwesi Johnson, Geri Halliwell, Miriam Margolyes, Robin Stevens, Richard Armitage, Tom Fletcher, Peter Clark, Zehra Hicks and many more, Bookshop Day is the perfect opportunity to connect with your high street bookseller. Visit your local bookshop to get brilliant book recommendations, to start your Christmas shopping at the biggest time of the year for new book releases, and for a celebration of bookshops and their role in “bringing people together” in their local communities.

Meet Tom Fletcher at Waterstones Piccadilly 

Saturday 14th October 2023 
10:00 at Waterstones, London – Piccadilly

Waterstones Piccadilly will host Tom Fletcher where children can come and chat to Tom about A Christmasaurus Carol. Tickets cost £14.99 which includes entry for one person and a copy of the book. Parents accompanying their children do not require a ticket. More info here.

Details of Bookshop Day events taking place across the country can be found on the Books Are My Bag Facebook events page@booksaremybag / #BookshopDay

Celebrating Black Writers and their Stories at Foyles

Celebrate Black History Month in October and beyond at Foyles with selection of fiction, non-fiction and children’s: bringing together books on Black history, arts and culture, inspirational Black lives, essential writing on race and more. From iconic Black Britons to the legacy of colonialism across the world, from critical theory to picture books, this is a starting point to help inform, celebrate, and inspire.

  •  Foyles Waterloo (opened in mid-August, having previously closed by Network Rail redevelopment)
  • Foyles Charing Cross Road


Remember, small actions can make a big difference. By supporting your local bookshop this Bookshop Day and beyond, you are not only investing in the literary culture of your community but also adding depth and vibrancy to the tapestry of your city. Happy reading and supporting!

Written by Kai Lutterodt @the.soho.girl

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