5 Autumn Rituals to Help You Adjust to the Cosy Season | My Soho Times

The autumn season brings with it shorter days, lower temperatures, and a gentle need for your body to slow down. It may, however, evoke concerns regarding well-being; poor health, fatigue, irritability, and even depression. Rather than of dwelling on these apprehensions, consider embracing autumn as an opportunity to retune your body and your habits. Here are five autumn rituals to help you adjust to the cosy season and make the most of all it has to offer. After all, it comes around every year, so you might as well embrace it!

Photo by thevibrantmachine

1. Rediscover the joys of early evenings

Greet the shorter days as an opportunity to cosy up and unwind. Light a candle, pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read since the beginning of the year, and complete the scene with a warm throw and a soothing playlist. Yes, it’s snug and hygge, but with those candles and throw, you can also take the opportunity to reduce your energy consumption by lowering your lights and turning down that thermostat as the autumn chill settles in. For the candle, go sleek and understated with Skar Organics Orange Spice+ Candle, a scent of orange, cinnamon, and clove with organic beeswax housed in a simple, matte, and unbranded black jar. And for the book, I’ll be dipping in and out of the coffee table beauty classic Pretty Iconic by Sali Hughes.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

2. Enjoy a longer sleep

Do you feel guilty sleeping in when the sun has been shining since 5 am at the peak of summer? If the answer is yes, then autumn is the season for you. Harvard Medical School’s research reveals that people tend to sleep an average of 2.7 more hours a night in October (the highest of the year) as our circadian rhythms adjust to the diminishing daylight. So embrace the longer nights with a little help, if needed, from this sleep hygiene toolkit: an eye mask for those living in urban areas, Bramley’s lavender, yarrow & chamomile scented Pillow Spray as part of your bedtime ritual, and if you fancy some light pre-sleep reading, The Little Book of Sleep by Sasha Fenton makes for a delightful intro to sleep, presented in bite-sized snippets of attention-grabbing insights.

Photo by Mickey H

3. But don’t forget to take daylight walks 

Okay, embracing sleep doesn’t mean staying in bed all day – as dreamy as this may sound. Autumn’s arrival often comes with disrupted sleep patterns. Although we’re sleeping more than at any other time in the year, we can still wake up feeling lethargic. Sound familiar? Then get some fresh air and sunshine as a mood booster. Lack of sunlight can create depression-like symptoms, known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. Getting as much sunlight as you can will have a positive impact on your mood, helping the body adjust to stress and anxiety as well as raising levels of much-needed vitamin D in the body. So throw on a jumper, smother your hands in Silvan’s natural Hand Cream to nurture and calm dry skin, and head out into the light.

Photo by Sora Shimazaki

4. Listen to your skin’s evolving needs

One of the biggest impacts of autumn on our bodies is skin dryness. As temperatures fluctuate, our skin’s chemical balance can be disrupted, leading to dryness and irritation. To combat this, adapt your skincare routine to the changing season to help keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Swap water-based cleansers with richer oil-based or balm cleansers, replace your light moisturiser with a thicker cream, or layer your usual hydrator with a facial oil in the evening. For a gentle transition opt for Evolve Kalahari Dream Cleansing Oil, a lightweight oil with a fruity scent that removes all dirt with no residue. And if you’re more of a balm fan, Heimish All Clean Balm also keeps it lightweight with Shea Butter and Coconut extract. 

Photo by Noelle Otto

5. Prep your body for the winter 

As a season of transition, autumn signals the start of colder weather, when our immune system can be weakened. Fortify your body’s defences for the winter ahead with herbal teas which not only provide warmth, but support to your immune system: Neal’s Yard Remedies Night Time Tea contains calming chamomile to promote digestive health and make for a perfect pre-bedtime drink as it helps you drift off to sleep. For a morning pick-me-up or post-lunch slump opt for a ginger and turmeric blend like Neal’s Yard Remedies Fired Up Tea, ideal during the cooler months when colds are lurking and muscle and joint pain tend to increase. Pair these teas with vitamin supplements to ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and resilient during the colder months. If in doubt, the beginner’s supplement of choice is an all rounder such as Neal’s Yard Remedies Multi Vitamin & Mineral Boost, containing vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, zinc and selenium, helping to maintain general health. 

Incorporating these autumn rituals into your life can bring a sense of tranquillity and warmth, allowing you to cherish the magic of this transitional season. Embrace the cosy vibes and let the natural beauty and serenity of autumn inspire you.

Written by Julia Ferrari  @freshbeautyfix 

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