Spring Calls for Treats: Editor’s Picks | My Soho Times

It’s finally beginning to feel like spring; the days gradually grow longer, and the sun’s gentle warmth becomes more pronounced, bidding farewell to the cold grasp of winter. This season brings with it several significant occasions for celebration – beginning with a celebration of women all March long (and beyond)! Mother’s Day, which falls onContinue reading “Spring Calls for Treats: Editor’s Picks | My Soho Times”

Where to spend World Wellness Weekend in Central London | My Soho Times

Sometimes, all we need is a gentle reminder or a motivational push to book that long-overdue spa day (cue in this timely article)! With the highly anticipated World Wellness Weekend at our feet, this is the perfect opportunity to prioritise our well-being – both mental and physical. So, seize the moment and embrace your wellnessContinue reading “Where to spend World Wellness Weekend in Central London | My Soho Times”