Chase away the January Blues with Puppy Yoga | My Soho Times 

Are you looking for a new activity to brighten up your new year, and boost your mood? Research shows spending quality time with a dog (or other any animal for that matter) can have a positive impact on your mood and your health. Pets can be calming stress-fighters… but what if you don’t have any?Continue reading “Chase away the January Blues with Puppy Yoga | My Soho Times “

3 Ways Yoga Helps with Self-care | My Soho Times 

If you’re looking for ways to incorporate self-care into your daily routine, boost self-esteem or simply reconnect with yourself, practising Yoga regularly is a great starting point! Posture coach Ana Stefan shares her top 3 tips on how Yoga helps with self-care for the mind, body and soul… 1. You leave your shoes and yourContinue reading “3 Ways Yoga Helps with Self-care | My Soho Times “