Sleep… Why We Need More | My Soho Times

Sleep is a delicate phenomenon, easily disrupted by the most trivial of factors. Even a mere semblance of rest may not truly provide our bodies with the complete sleep cycles necessary for rejuvenation. Sultan Dajani, a trusted Community Pharmacist and advisor to DragonflyCBD sheds light on this matter in further detail…

Sleep Cycles

Sleep cycles can generally be split into non-REM and REM phases (Rapid Eye Movement). Each sleep cycle generally lasts around 90 minutes and if our sleep is interrupted, we go back to stage one and start going through the phases again. So, if sleep is broken the deep sleep stages may not be reached.

  • Stage one: We fall into a light sleep and our eye movements are slowed down
  • Stage two: Still in a light stage, the brain waves start to slow
  • Stages three & four: The brain produces delta waves and this is when you will start to experience deeper and restorative sleep. This is when the body  begins to repair itself.

REM sleep is the most active stage. Our eyes move quickly , our brain is active, our blood pressure and heart rate go up and it’s in this stage that we dream. The REM sleep is a phase that’s closely linked with mental recharge and is believed to play an important role in learning, memory, and emotion, helping to regulate mood.

. Routine: Try to keep to your normal sleep times. This will help your body know what it should be doing and will make sure you are ready for sleep at the end of the day. It also aids mental health to know what we are doing day-to-day, and this in turn helps us sleep better.

#2. Exercise: If you can, get some daily exercise. It will release endorphins, the happy hormones, which makes us feel better and more equipped to handle things, giving us a calmer mind when it comes to settling down for the night. Exercise also expends energy and tires us out.

#3. Beauty sleep: A lack of snooze time is bad news for our skin. That’s why a good night’s shuteye  is described as getting your beauty sleep, for good reason. Research shows that even one bad night doesn’t do wonders for your face and skin. In a recent study, forty observers were asked to rate twenty photographs for tiredness, facial cues, and sadness. The faces of sleep-deprived people were perceived as having more hanging eyelids, redder and swollen eyes, paler skin, more wrinkles/fine lines, and droopier corners to the mouth.

#4. Note things down: Something that keeps us awake at night is the sheer number of thoughts that race through our minds. It can actually be trying to remember them that stops us from switching off properly. Keep a notepad handy and jot down any thoughts that come into your head as you get ready for bed. Also write down tasks that need to be done the next day, this will help you ‘release’ them from your memory.

#5. Sleep ZEN: There is a natural way that you can help your sleep and ease anxieties. A few drops of DragonflyCBD (p.43) as part of your daily routine ticks all the boxes for helping you feel relaxed, which also means better quality sleep to fully restore mind and body.  DragonflyCBD Oil has been shown to reduce anxiety, and the World Health Organisation has recognised that CBD may have the potential to help health issues such as anxiety and insomnia.

#6. Talk: Keep in contact with friends and family, it will help you feel more connected. Talking also helps us to release pent-up thoughts or share problems or worries, which when shared can make us feel instantly better. Avoid the temptation of retreating into yourself. With lockdown easing we all understand the worries and anxieties that lie ahead

Editor’s Picks: 10 Essentials for Sleep and Relaxation…


Restful Sleep Pillow Mist

Just two spritzes applied to linens can ease you into a restful slumber, enhance the health benefits of deep sleep, and boost your daytime energy levels. Made with essential oils, this calming pillow mist is scientifically formulated to work in harmony with your natural sleep cycle.




Enticing, romantic and addictive, Anor will fill your room with a sophisticated, luxurious scent that creates a feeling of warmth and relaxation. With notes of Saffron, Taif Rose and Geranium, followed by calming scents of Patchouli, Musk and Cashmere Woods, Anor – the Uzbekistani word for Pomegranate – is the go-to fragrance to transform your home into a dreamy, calming zen space.

Available as a Luxury 100ml Diffuser, £39.99, Luxury 30cl Candle, £39.99 or as a Anor Duo featuring both products, for £75.


Flavoured CBD Oral Drops

Dragonfly CBD Oil comes in four delicious flavors – Anise, Cinnamon, Orange, and Peppermint. Each flavor is made with the finest CBD oil, organic, vegan, THC-& CBN-free, offering a smooth and delightful experience. Choose your favorite flavor and enjoy the benefits of CBD in a tasty way!

Every pack features a batch number which is linked to a lab report, so you can see exactly what goes into every product.



Infrared PEMF Mat

A quick session on our Infrared PEMF Mat can give you the same results as one hour of yoga or meditation (without all that bending) and plug you into the healing benefits of Infrared (without an intense sweat session – not set-up or clean-up required). PEMF grounds you in earth’s magnetic field for a full-body reset, while Infrared’s deeply penetrating heat doubles your dose.



Time to Inheal Handheld Diffuser

Get yourself or a friend a handy diffuser, perfect for travel. This handheld device allows you to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy wherever you go. It releases a refreshing mist of essential oil blend with just a touch of a button. Easily rechargeable with a USB cable, it’s convenient and portable.  Enhance your relaxation and improve sleep by pairing calming ‘Time to Sleep’ (£20) expertly blended 100% natural essential oils. When fully charged, the diffuser delivers 8-10 cycles of 60 seconds each for scent diffusion. It also makes for a great stocking filler.

£20 available at


New Yorker

This premium cotton bedding is Inspired by the clean, crisp lines and luxurious textures found across the trendiest boutique hotels – this contemporary line teleports you to that feeling after a night out in town. Revive your bedroom and refresh your most personal space (your bed) so you can reset for the morning adventures.

From £170 available in sizes UK Double to UK Super King


Raspberry Beetroot Pillowcase and Eye Mask

Sleep on Silky Softness of a Lexi & Teal pure silk housewife pillowcase with zipper – all you need for a restorative night sleep. Silk allows the skin and hair to gently glide across it, helping skin stay hydrated, hair stay smooth and wrinkles not to form whilst sleeping. Pair it with a Lexi & Teal eye mask in matching colour to upgrade your sleep – or gift!

Pillowcase from £85, Eye mask £55


Glow Sleep Mask 50ml

Nothing feels better than waking up in the morning with a beautifully pampered complexion. This winter, treat your skin to an overnight treat with the Age Defy+ Hydra Glow Sleep Mask.

£37.00 (50ml).


Earths Secret Sleep Complex

Sleep is said to be a public health crisis of the modern world, as up to one third of the population may suffer from insomnia or other sleep problems. Enjoy high-quality sleep and energised mornings with a natural sleep aid. Earths Secret Sleep Complex was created to help with longer, deeper and more rejuvenative sleep, that will awaken you refreshed and revitalised ready for the day ahead.



Sleep Better Diffuser Oil

This dreamy blend combines 100% natural pure essential oils of soothing Lavender, warm Sandalwood and calming Jasmine to help you relax and prepare for a blissful night’s sleep.


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This article was previously published in the Spring 2022 issue of My Soho Times. CLICK HERE to view online.

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