Chase away the January Blues with Puppy Yoga | My Soho Times 

Are you looking for a new activity to brighten up your new year, and boost your mood? Research shows spending quality time with a dog (or other any animal for that matter) can have a positive impact on your mood and your health. Pets can be calming stress-fighters… but what if you don’t have any?Continue reading “Chase away the January Blues with Puppy Yoga | My Soho Times “

3 Ways Yoga Helps with Self-care | My Soho Times 

If you’re looking for ways to incorporate self-care into your daily routine, boost self-esteem or simply reconnect with yourself, practising Yoga regularly is a great starting point! Posture coach Ana Stefan shares her top 3 tips on how Yoga helps with self-care for the mind, body and soul… 1. You leave your shoes and yourContinue reading “3 Ways Yoga Helps with Self-care | My Soho Times “

So, you want to quit smoking? HIIT the Gym, says expert! | My Soho Times

A recent study has revealed that, among various habits such as social media and video games, the British population is most keen to give up smoking.

Spring Calls for Treats: Editor’s Picks | My Soho Times

It’s finally beginning to feel like spring; the days gradually grow longer, and the sun’s gentle warmth becomes more pronounced, bidding farewell to the cold grasp of winter. This season brings with it several significant occasions for celebration – beginning with a celebration of women all March long (and beyond)! Mother’s Day, which falls onContinue reading “Spring Calls for Treats: Editor’s Picks | My Soho Times”

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Kickstart 2024 | My Soho Times

New Year’s Resolutions are always made with good intensions – even if they don’t last throughout the year. Setting resolutions can inspire us to make positive changes and work towards self-improvement. If you’re feeling unsure about what goals to set for the upcoming year, here are 7 New Year’s Resolutions that can help you kickContinue reading “7 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Kickstart 2024 | My Soho Times”

Sleep… Why We Need More | My Soho Times

Sleep is a delicate phenomenon, easily disrupted by the most trivial of factors. Even a mere semblance of rest may not truly provide our bodies with the complete sleep cycles necessary for rejuvenation. Sultan Dajani, a trusted Community Pharmacist and advisor to DragonflyCBD sheds light on this matter in further detail…

Back to School: An Exceptional Learning Experience awaits you at CityLit this Term | My Soho Times

New term, new Courses: City Lit invites learners to embrace a new journey this academic year. Our editor Kai Lutterodt heads back to school to discover what’s on at Britain’s largest education college.

Wimbledon Workout: Here’s How To Unlock The Benefits of Training Like a Tennis Player  | My Soho Times 

As we enter the the final weekend of Wimbledon, award-winning Personal Trainer & Founder of Sculptrition, Amanda Place, shares how you can unlock the benefits of training like a tennis player through her own ‘Wimbledon’ inspired workout… really to take the first serve?

Forget the Fad Diets! 14 Healthy Lifestyle Tips you can stick to All Year Round | My Soho Times

The first month of the year (and possibly the hardest if you stuck through a ridged ‘new year – new you’ healthy eating and exercise regime) is over. Now what, back to old habits?… Not so fast! Registered dietitian, Helen Bond, is to the rescue with these tips for making healthy living a lifestyle – notContinue reading “Forget the Fad Diets! 14 Healthy Lifestyle Tips you can stick to All Year Round | My Soho Times”