Mental Health Awareness Week: 6 ways journaling can calm an anxious mind | My Soho Times

Are you someone who often finds themselves over-thinking, or feeling overcome with anxiety? Well, writing in a journal can really help with that. Journaling provides a safe space for self-expression and self-reflection, without fear of judgment. In honour of Mental Health Awareness Week (13 to 19 May 2024), we’ve compiled six ways journaling can helpContinue reading “Mental Health Awareness Week: 6 ways journaling can calm an anxious mind | My Soho Times”

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Kickstart 2024 | My Soho Times

New Year’s Resolutions are always made with good intensions – even if they don’t last throughout the year. Setting resolutions can inspire us to make positive changes and work towards self-improvement. If you’re feeling unsure about what goals to set for the upcoming year, here are 7 New Year’s Resolutions that can help you kickContinue reading “7 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Kickstart 2024 | My Soho Times”

5 Ways to Actively Reduce Stress this Season | My Soho Times

The start of November marks the beginning of International Stress Awareness Week, dedicated to spotlighting the impact of stress on mental and physical health and showcasing resources and strategies available for managing stress in healthy ways. In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of relaxation and tranquility is crucial for mental wellbeing. Our editor, Kai Lutterodt,Continue reading “5 Ways to Actively Reduce Stress this Season | My Soho Times”