On The Rise: New Openings (Autumn)

This Autumn not only marks a change in seasons, but the ever evolving food scene in Soho. An appetite for unique dining experiences does not fall short with the new food outlets taking the hospitality scene by storm… Here are some which pack a punch!

Chotto Matte Soho: A Japanese-Peruvian Fusion Delight | My Soho Times

So, let me take you down memory lane… a young(er) Clare back in the day, donning a chic little Off the Shoulder LBD (Little Black Dress) and her first ever pair of snazzy, classic Louboutins. This was probably my sixth date with the guy who would end up being my husband two years later… 

New Restaurant Openings this Season: From Soho to Marylebone

Autumn symbolises fresh new beginnings and a return to some form of normality; back to school and the work place after the buzz of summer. So it’s perhaps no surprise we’re seeing an influx of new restaurant openings across the West End – just in time for our comfort food cravings as the weather getsContinue reading “New Restaurant Openings this Season: From Soho to Marylebone”

9 Autumn Comforts on the menu across Soho | My Soho Times

Snuggle up and get ready to be inspired these 9 foodies who’ve eaten their way through Autumn menus… I hope you’re hungry, it’s likely to be a delivery service kind of night!